Manappuram Finance ltd

What led Manappuram to become the most preferred gold loan provider in Karnataka?

The Challenges

  • High competition from local players.
  • Lesser Visibility in the region as compared to the competition.
  • Boost brand footfalls

Our Approach to Tackle the Challenge

  • To ensure the highest ROI, we had to target households in rural and urban areas within the radius of the branch for this campaign.

  • Use of Multilingual Marketing communication in the native language to reach and resonate with the broadest possible audience.

  • We used a variety of ATL and BTL activities to ensure the brand had enough visibility to achieve the highest brand recall. We used the following channels to deliver Manappuram’s message to the masses in Karnataka.

Wall Painting

No-Parking Boards


Transit Media (Auto Branding)

Radio & TV Scroll Ads

Print Media

  • To ensure the highest ROI, we had to target households in rural and urban areas within the radius of the branch for this campaign. 
      • Each creative was customised with information about the nearest branch, such as a phone number, address, and a unique QR code.

      • The delivered media was intended to be within a 5km radius of the nearest branch.

      • The team made certain that all of the media was in prime locations throughout the region.

      • We also took care of all printables required for the campaign.

      • All of the campaigns were completed before the due date, making us the client’s go-to partner for all of their ATL and BTL campaigns.

Final Results -

Increase in Brand Awareness lift
Increase in Leads Generation
Most efficient deliveries within 2-3 of the PO issues